This game was played back in March over a Friday night and Saturday. 28mm using Shako II rules.
The scenario was a section of the Battle of Leipzig in 1813 and featured the fight for the villages of Mockern and Gross and Klein Wiederitzch.
Mockern in the foreground looking towards Gross and Klein Wiederitzch |
French defenders |
Prussian vanguard arrive. |
My command starts to arrive. |
I had command of part of Yorcks' Prussian I corps tasked with capturing Mockern itself, vital to opening the road to Leipzig. Facing us were troops of Marmont's VI Corps. My troops formed the left wing of the Prussian force and the link to the Russians on our flank.
Gross and Klein Wiederitzch |
To our left the Russians of Langeron's IX Corps had the task of evicting the Poles of Dambrowski's Division, attached to the French III Corps, from Gross and Klein Wiederitzch.
The action licked off at 2pm (game time) with our Prussians advancing towards Mockern and it's environs and the Russians heading for the Poles. My troops had the job of attacking the French around the end of the high ground, to prevent them reinforcing those holding Mockern.
Russians advance on the Poles |
By 3pm the Prussian assaults on the French 21st Division holding Mockern and the 20th on the high ground nearby were underway. These French were veteran troops and put up stiff resistance but by 3:15pm a Prussian grenadier battalion had gained a foothold in Mockern.
Prussians assault Mockern |
My forces continue their advance |
The Poles meanwhile were also putting up a strong defence and still held the villages of Gross and Klein Wiederitzch despite strong Russian assaults. Around this time Delmas' French 9th Division of III Corps appeared on the far left of the Russians forcing them to detach their cavalry vanguard and the 15th infantry division to counter.
There now followed two hours of sustained combat as the Poles grimly held onto Gross and Klein Wiederitzch against all comers whilst the Russians saw off the advancing French 9th division on their left allowing these troops to now about face and threaten the Poles flank and rear. In and around Mockern fierce fighting saw heavy loses on both sides with the Prussians now holding two thirds of the village and slowing forcing the supporting divisions back, breaking the link to the Poles.
My assault goes in |
The fighting around Mockern |
Charge! |
At 5pm a final assault was launched by our Prussians, which despite a spirited counter by the French, saw the whole village of Mockern finally in our hands by 5:15 and the French finally forced to retire.
Final assault! |
Mockern captured |
A great close fought game with a return to Leipzig and another sector of the battle on the table later in April.
A lot more photos, especially of the Russian sector, can be found in the Club's Facebook albums.
Here and Here
Orders of Battle |