Monday 27 April 2020

My Napoleonic Anglo/Portuguese army, as it currently stands.

So after I completed my Portuguese brigade for my Peninsular forces last week, post here, I decided to get all the completed units out for review and this post is the result.

Force out for review.

As a trial I recorded a shortish video to see how it would turn out.

A bit more of a breakdown. The first formations are based on the Order of Battle for Talavera 1809

3rd Division, 1st Brigade.

3rd Division, 1st Brigade: Major General MacKenzie

2/24th Warwickshire Regiment of Foot
2/31st Huntingdonshire Regiment of Foot
1/45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot

3rd Division, 2nd Brigade

3rd Division, 2nd Brigade: Colonel Donkin

5/60th Royal American Rifles Regiment of Foot, five companies
2/87th Prince of Wales Own Irish Regiment of Foot
1/88th Connaught Rangers Regiment of Foot

4th Division, 1st Brigade

4th Division, 1st Brigade: Brigadier General Campbell

5/60th Royal American Rifles Regiment of Foot, one company
2/7th The Royal Fusiliers Regiment of Foot
2/53rd Shropshire Regiment of Foot

4th Division, 2nd Brigade

4th Division, 2nd Brigade: Colonel Kemmis

5/60th Royal American Rifles Regiment of Foot, one company
1/40th 2nd Somersetshire Regiment of Foot
97th Queen's Own Germans Regiment of Foot
2nd Battalion of Detachments

Heavy Cavalry Brigade

Fane's Heavy cavalry brigade

3rd Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards
4th Queen's Own Dragoons

Light Cavalry Brigade

Cotton's Light cavalry brigade

14th Duchess of York's Own Light Dragoons
16th Light Dragoons


There were three batteries of Royal Artillery at Talavera and we try and use two bases per battery when playing Black Powder. So that gives one extra base and a Horse Artillery base for other scenarios.

The rest are additional units to add a bit of variety for other gaming scenarios.


Engineering cart and Officer plus some engineers kitbashed from Victrix infantry

KGL Light infantry

2nd KGL Light Battalion, acquired as surplus from another club member and rebased. Spare officer and a bit of fun, british soldier with captured French eagle.


At the front Major General Beresford and staff, off to the side a bit of religious support. Artillery to the left with a field telegraph unit. In the centre the Infantry.

Independent Portuguese Brigade: Colonel Pack

4th Estramadura Cacadores Battalion
1/1st & 2/1st Lippe Line Infantry Regiment
1/16th & 2/16th Viera Telles Line Infantry Regiment

And finally of course Wellesley himself with a staff officer and escort from the 1st KGL Hussars.

As the video said still plenty more in the lead and plastic pile to do.


Monday 20 April 2020

Paint colours

In case anyone is interested I have started putting together "Recipe" cards for the paint colours I use when painting my forces. An example is this one for my British light Dragoons.

As I complete more, links to them will appear in the "My Resources / Downloads" section in the right hand side bar.

Portuguese Brigade Completed.

So what's been happening while the world's in lock down? Well I've just had four weeks off work, company stood us down, back today though, so it was time to complete my Portuguese brigade obviously.

That meant getting the eighteen figures of the 2/16th line regiment done as well as a howitzer and crew, all Warlord Games figures except the drummer from Front Rank.

It also saw the first use of my new airbrush station for priming the figures.

First use of spray booth.

All primed

After priming it was time to start painting, although halfway through doing the infantry I did start on the artillery for a bit of variation.

Jackets and trousers done.

I then paint the collars, cuffs and epaulettes in the trim colour. I find it easier to then block in the facing colour and leave the trim than paint a thin trim line later.

Collar and cuffs and epaulettes undercoated.

Next the facing colour and flesh was applied and work starts on the backpacks.

Facing colours and backpacks.

Musket woodwork and jacket lace followed plus I started the artillery.
Musket woodwork painted and artillery started.

I then got sidetracked by the artillery and got all the work done on them bar the metallics.

Artillery block painting almost finished.

Then it was back to the infantry and time for straps, belts and more straps. Backpacks were completed and attached.

Straps and Belts.

Backpacks attached.

Next it was time for all the metallic colours to be done as well as any small items of equipment followed by a final touch up where required before varnishing, again using my airbrush.

Ready for varnishing.

After varnishing the figure were attached to their prepared bases and the flag attached.

On bases.

From the rear showing identifying label.

the final step was to texture, paint and flock the bases and they were finished (four weeks work) and off to join the rest of the Portuguese Brigade.


My full Portuguese force. Pack's Independent Brigade of the 1st and 16th Line Regiments and 4th Caçadores Battalion, along with a telegraph station and howitzer. Also a command base featuring Marshal Beresford.

Full Portuguese contingent.

So that's my Portuguese contingent for my Peninsular army completed, next up some 15/18mm Napoleonic rebasing and touch ups.

Take care everyone
