The 22nd and 23rd of April saw another weekend game at New Buckenham and a return to Leipzig 1813 for another scenario based on this famous battle. This time it was to be the Allies advance on the village of Probstheida featuring Prussians, Russians and Austrians on the allied side with the French and Saxons now being led in person by Napoleon and including units of the Imperial guard.
Once again the rule set used was Shako II with some house modifications and a few scenario specials, such as only the Austrians, as recent arrivals to the battle, would need to make the 1/3 casualty moral check.
The game was started on the Friday night and completed on the Saturday.
Apologies there will be a lack of pictures from me for the Friday as I forgot my camera and phone :(
I did manage to snag a copy of a photo of the table as it stood at the start of play.
Probstheida left of centre, French at bottom, Allies at top. |
I had command of the Prussian contingent in the centre which comprised of four large infantry brigades, divisions for Shako control purposes, a cavalry division and artillery reserve. To my left were the Austrians, facing off against the Young Guard, to my right Russians and to my rear elite Russian combined grenadiers and guard battalions in reserve.
My task was to capture Probstheida, held by veteran French troops with Napoleon and his Imperial Guard to their rear as a reserve. The Austrians were to pin the Young Guard in place while the Russians on my right were to try and roll up the French left flank, comprised of newly raised units, and prevent them re-enforcing the village. The Russian guard were to exploit any inroads made or capture Probstheida if my Prussians failed.
Initial orders had my heavy cavalry division due to arrive on my right flank but observation of the French deployment spotted a large heavy cavalry contingent to their right centre, directly opposite the join between the Austrian and Prussian forces. As my infantry would be moving away from this area to march on Probstheida the order was given for the cavalry to swing left behind the cover of the small hill, were the Tsar was ensconced, and deploy behind and to the left of the reserve artillery arrayed along the forward edge of said hill.
The game kicked off at 1pm, game time (15min turns) and with no time for subtlety it was all columns advance on Probstheida as fast as possible with additional units marching close behind the leading units.
To my left the Austrians advanced into artillery range and then halted proceeding with an artillery contest with the young guard, which they had the better of. Apart from a few Grenzer skirmishers moving forward for a bit of musketry nothing much else happened on this flank all game. But it did pin the Young Guard as needed.
On the allied right the Russians with a large infantry and light cavalry force moved in on the French left wing, who at the same time were pulling back to consolidate their defences around Probstheida.
My lead battalions were soon involved in assaulting the French held village with pioneers hacking at the defences of the two accessible sectors. The French centre tried to counter by moving forward on the right of the village, from their view point, so I sent one of my brigades to counter this as well as concentrating my heavy artillery on them.
To my right the Russians were making steady progress pushing the French left wing back as well as preventing it from making a concerted effort to harass me in the centre.
By 1:45pm I managed to capture the rear left sector of the village but was being held out of the front right by determined French resistance. By now my battalions were either heavily engaged in fierce hand to hand combat around the village or waiting, under increasingly accurate french artillery fire, for their turn to enter into the fray.
Seeing this both Emperors stired themselves. The Tsar ordered the Russian elite to advance up and support the assault on Probstheida while Napoleon himself advanced his Guard infantry and heavy cavalry to counter the Prussian advance. Just as the French heavies approached the line, opposite the Prussian artillery now devoid of supporting infantry, the Prussian heavy cavalry appeared over the hill and took up position opposite them, bridging the gap to the Austrians. This is where we finished on the Friday night.
Starting point on the Saturday morning. |
Position in the centre from behind the allied lines. |
My assault continues, supports taking artillery casualties. |
With my assault on Probstheida mounting and with all four brigades involved I handed over command of the Prussian cavalry division to the Austrian player to deal with the French heavies.
With two brigades physically assaulting or holding onto sectors of the village and with a third in support I sent my fourth brigade up the road to the west of the village to try and clear away the french supports and heavy artillery. At this point I finally captured the southern most sector. Two down one to go.
Two sectors captured. |
French regain NW sector. French guns assaulted. |
At 2:15pm the French regained the north west sector of the village but a determined counter attack by a battalion of landwehr soon had it back in my hands.
Counter attack goes in. |
To the west an artillery duel was slowly being won by the Prussians with french batteries disintegrating under accurate counter battery fire. This contest was occasionally halted by sorties of French and Saxon heavy and medium cavalry which was met by either canister fire or Prussian cuirassiers and ulans in swirling melees with little advantage to either side.
My advance along the western edge of the village now drew attention from the French centre who swung troops in my direction to attempt to halt my advance. The Russian grenadiers and guard were now close behind my brigades eager to get into action. The southern sector was retaken by the French after a fierce struggle so it was time to line up another assault.
French recapture the southern sector, Russian elites arrive. |
Another Prussian assault goes in. |
The French centre deploys to halt my advance along the western edge of Probstheida |
To the east the other Russian force was now pushing the remains of the French left wing back onto the outskirts of Probstheida and their centre.
Russian advance to the east. |
By 3pm, game time, Napoleon began to bring up his eight battalions of imperial guard to settle the fight for Probstheiba and stabilise his severely weakened line. In the mean time french line infantry kept up the pressure on the Prussian defenders.
French line up a counter attack, initiative dice optional :) |
Landwehr stand firm |
My counter assault on the southern sector was a success so the allies now held two thirds of Probstheiba with the day fast coming to an end. Now came the moment of truth, The allies plan was to pull the landwehr out of the north west sector and replace them with fresh Russian grenadiers before the French Imperial guard could start their assault and then try to capture the final sector. This would all come down to the initiative dice roll with the allies winning any ties as the attacking army.
Prussian brigade rolled a Six
Russian brigade rolled a Six
French Guard brigade rolled a Six!
Advantage to the allies! but no, Napoleon had added his plus one initiative bonus (scenario special rule) to this brigade this turn so the French were on a seven. Imperial guard assault went in first and threw the brave Prussian landwehr out of the village.
French Imperial Guard capture the NW sector. |
Prussian assault on the NE sector |
Frantic counter attacks were launched by Prussian and Russian battalions to try and oust the French defenders from the two northern sectors but to no avail. Stubborn French defence and the morale boosting effect of the Guard checked the fierce assaults. The advance along the western flank of the village had also been halted by the arrival of the Guard grenadiers
Final assaults go in to try and oust the French. |
With game time now at 4pm and daylight rapidly fading our umpire called the game. With two sectors of Probstheida still in French hands the result was a tactical French victory. With a little more time to Russian forces may have swung the game but that's a what if for another day.
All in all another great two days of gaming.
More photos can as usual be found in the Club's Facebook albums for the game.