Thursday, 25 July 2019

State of the Blog

For one reason or another this blog has been kind of neglected over the last few months, my apologies.

Changes at work mean I have less opportunity during the working day to write items, and this also results in me arriving home more fatigued than previously.
Also a sudden addiction to Minecraft, I blame my seven year old son for teaching me how to play, doesn't help either.

These issues have also slowed down my hobbing with a battalion of Portuguese line sat half finished for over a month and a half, this also needs to be remedied.

Fortunately the gaming front hasn't slowed down and I have played in four very good games in the last two months, including my first two games using the Carnage & Glory system. So to get his blog moving again I will be posting AARs on these soon, assuming I can remember much about the details, if not there will be pictures at least.

Mengibar 1808, Carnage & Glory

Bar-sur-Aube 1814, Carnage & Glory.

"Dogs Head Plateau" 1811, Shako II

Dettingen 1743, Post of Honour

To those who follow this blog I again apologise for the lack of content recently, hopefully things will return to a sightly more regular schedule.



  1. Some lovely pictures there Tony, and great to see some Napoleonic Spanish in action in particular. I recognise those Eagle Spanish hussars, and have a few of those myself.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, can't claim credit for any of the Spanish, that was a turn up and play with other peoples figures night.

  2. Gaming over blogging any day of the week. At least now there is material to blog about. 😀

    1. True and hopefully I will pull my finger out and get them done.
